Bridge the GAP
geographies for
business expansion
& access the Globe

About Us

Who we are

Global Acceleration Partners (GAP) provides a platform for companies to expand globally and for foreign companies to enter India.

We are the decisive factor behind your success

We prepare you with the global vision through our wide network of close partners across the globe.

Having its core operations in India, GAP is very well placed to accelerate the growth of global companies looking to enter India as it is the future marketplace for the world.



What we Do

Gateway to India

When your company needs to step-up.


When your company needs to initiate.


When your company needs to expand.

Image Source: “”>Abstract vector created by zaie – www.</a>

Why Us

How we do it

Customized strategies

Innovative strategies

Each country offers different challenges  and requires a domesticated approach and people to help you expand your business in that country.   We offer customized strategies that will help your business to expand     in different geographies. 

Results-Oriented Solutions

Strategic insights

Our success depends on your success. We follow a result oriented approach for Go To Market strategies, Joint Venture opportunities which give our clients added comfort while working with our global partners.

From Art to Science

Personalized tactics

We follow a process driven approach with full transparency, depending upon the business model to be applied which should result in a win-win situation for all the concerned parties.